A little bit about MoonModuules.

MoonModules has been founded in 2021 by Ewowi and Harry Baas who at the time developed audio and 2D functionality and effects for the Atuline WLED fork. Effects like Akemi, Game of Live and GEQ where developed during this time as well as developing showcases for multiple layered effects.

Since then we have worked on the first release of Aircoookie WLED 0.14 which introduced Sound Reactive and 2D support as created in the Atuline fork. At this time SoftHack007 joined. We also supported subsequent releases, which we do sence then.

At the same time we developed WLED MM, a new fork of Aircoookie WLED as we had more ideas and creativity then Aircoookie WLED could digest. The MoonModules knowledge repository gives an overview of what we made. Recent versions of WLED MM focus more on large LED installations, Art-Net support and HUB75 support. Since this time, Troy, Soren, and NetMindz joined MoonModules.

Started in 2023 we are also developing a new product based on our experience working with WLED. We took the module concept of WLED and took that further by making everything a module, this was called StarMod. This then allowed us to split LED and non-LED functionality and StarBase and StarLight was born. StarBase containing generic functionality and StarLight to add lighting functionality on top of that. As StarBase is generic and can be used to develop any ESP32 based application. StarLight key features are 3D support, support for any fixture, projections, up to 16432 LEDs, live coding of fixture definitions, effects and projections, Art-Net, and DMX support.

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