Customizing sveltekit
Customize UI and app specific
{custom} = MoonLight
- add {custom}-logo.png
- factory_settings.ini
- FACTORY_AP_SSID=\"{custom}-#{unique_id}\"
- FACTORY_AP_PASSWORD=\"\" (recommendation)
- FACTORY_NTP_TIME_ZONE_LABEL=\"Europe/Amsterdam\"
- package.json
- name = "{custom}"
- version: "0.5.1",
- intrerface/source/lib/assets/logo.png
- replace logo
- interface/source/routes/+layout.ts
- title: '{custom}'
- github:
- copyright
- appname: '{custom}'
- interface/source/routes/+page.svelte
- Welcome to {custom}
- Intro message
- href="/"
- Start {custom}
- interface/source/routes/menu.svelte
- const discord = { href: '', active: true };
- interface/static/manifest.json
- name: "{custom}"
- interface/static/favicon.png
- replace favicon.png
- lib/framework/APSettingsService.h
- FACTORY_AP_SSID "{custom}-#{unique_id}"
- mkdocs.yml
- site_name: {custom}
- nav: {custom}
- repo_name and repo_url
- theme logo: media/{custom}-logo.png
- analytics: provider: google property: G-R6QYDG0126
- Copyright
- platformio.ini
- description = {custom}
- add [custom] build_flags and lib_deps
- APP_NAME=\"{custom}\" ;
- APP_VERSION=\"0.x.0\"
- Custom intro
- vite.config.ts
- Set target: ''
- setup custom code
- src/custom
- interface/src/routes/custom
- interface/src/lib/components/custom
- interface/src/lib/types/model_custom.ts
- Github repo
- change license
- change description
- change webhook
Other improvements
- Add esp32-s3-devkitc-1-n16r8v and LOLIN_WIFI_FIX in pio.ini (including boards folder)
- Add free_psram, used_psram and psram_size in Analytics (models.ts) and analytics_data (analytics.ts) and show in UI (SystemMetrics.svelte)
- Send psram data only if psramFound (SystemStatus.svelte, AnalyticsService.h, SystemStatus.cpp)
- Add File manager
- Add Monitor
- socket.ts: add else listeners.get("monitor")?.forEach((listener) => listener(new Uint8Array(;
- EventSocket.cpp: add void EventSocket::emitEvent with char * argument
- Add MoonLight specific functionality (Currently fixtures and effects)
- ESP32SvelteKit.cpp:
- CPU load, loops per second (and main.cpp)
- comment response.addHeader("Cache-Control", "public, immutable, max-age=31536000");
- interface/source/routes/+layout.svelte
- Don't show if captive portal: {#if (!window.location.href.includes("") && $}
- interface/source/routes/statusbar.svelte
- show help:
<a href="{window.location.pathname} target="_blank">?</a>
- show help:
- main.cpp: esp_log_set_vprintf(my_vprintf); WIP
- ci pio
- run in loopTask to avoid stack size crashes in httpd
- updatedItems (to see what speicifcally has been updated)